As you may now, your church receives no direct financial support from the government or the central Church of England. As a result the church is responsible for raising sufficient funds to allow us to continue ministry in the parish of Branksome. We know that for many it can be difficult to balance competing demands so we simply ask, if St Aldhelm’s has touched your life positively in some way, and you feel you have a little to spare, please consider giving regularly or with a one off donation.
Any donations can be treated in confidence and don’t forget if you are a tax payer please sign a Gift Aid declaration which allows us to claim back the tax at the basic rate, free money!
Thank you
One off Donation
Make a one off donation via your debit card using our secure online payment portal.
Single donation online
Leave a legacy
A gift in your will can make a real and ongoing difference to your local community. Every legacy we receive helps to secure the future for the next generation and help maintain the beauty of the building, continue our traditions and invest in new facilities.
That’s why your support is so crucial. It not only sustains the Church today but it also lays the foundations for tomorrow.
Any bequest is 100% exempt from inheritance Tax and anyone leaving 10% of their taxable estate to charity will qualify for a reduced rate of inheritance tax.
Please contact our treasurer to request more information or call the office on 01202 764420.
The Church is a registered Charity. More information