Support Teams

Church Wardens

A Churchwarden is a lay official and they have a duty to represent the laity and work in close partnership with the vicar.

Churchwardens are legally responsible for all the property and movable goods belonging to the church and have a duty under ecclesiastical law to keep an up to date written record (terrier) of the property and an inventory of the valuables.

The day-to-day maintenance of church buildings and contents is delegated to the churchwardens.

The contribution the churchwardens make to all aspects of St Aldhelms`s fellowship, both material and spiritual, is of vital significance.

Contact the office to speak to our Churchwardens.


The treasurer is an officer of the PCC, an official position serving the church by providing financial leadership at a strategic level. The role involves ensuring that there are essential controls and procedures in place for the proper management of charitable funds.

This includes keeping detailed and accurate accounting records and reports of stewardship income, offerings, special appeals and any trading and restricted income; as well as detailed, receipted and categorised support records of expenditures.

The treasurer must act as the first and primary tier of financial checks and balances; and is responsible for the proper disbursement of church funds – both restricted and unrestricted – within policies established by the Charities Commission, the Church of England and the PCC.

The treasurer is appointed by the PCC, with the support of the Vicar and usually serves on the Standing Committee, PCC and Finance Committee.

Contact the office to speak or contact our Treasurer.

Standing Committee

Standing Committee members are the official ‘Officers’ of the church and it is in effect a mini version of the PCC, allowing the church to carry on official business without having a full meeting every month.

The Standing Committee has the authority to make decisions on behalf of the PCC, but will only make ‘important’ decisions with the acknowledgement of PCC.

If PCC members feel a particular issue should only be decided at a full meeting then there is opportunity for such feelings to be made clear as agendas (with notes) are sent out in plenty of time.

The Committee consists of the Vicar, the Church Wardens, PCC Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer.

Sides People

The Sidesman or Sidespersons role is to ensure that everyone arriving at church is greeted appropriately according to their individual needs, provide them with any books, service sheets or flyers required for the service and where required ensure that the visitor is comfortable with their place in the service.

Sides people are elected annually by the PCC and usually serve on a rota basis. They are often the first person a new visitor will meet and therefor the role is vital to any church that prides it self on being open and welcoming.

At St Aldhelm’s you will find a wide range of people fulfilling the role of Sidesperson at the Sunday 10.00 Parish Eucharist and we hope you feel welcomed as you arrive.