The Parochial Church Council, or P.C.C., is an executive committee of the parish with powers and duties defined by certain Acts of Parliament and is the process whereby members of the church can exercise their say over the running of their church.
The membership consists of the clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with a number of representatives of the laity elected by the the church members at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (ACPM) of the parish.
The P.C.C. secretary and the treasurer are elected from the P.C.C. In addition there are four ex officio members who are the elected members of the Deanery Synod who in turn represent the church within the local deanery.
In addition to their formal duties, P.C.C. members act as representatives for all parishioners in the affairs of the church. Apart from the vicar, who is ex-officio chairman, all P.C.C. members are elected directly or indirectly by the parishioners.
If you would like anything related to the operation of the church raised at a P.C.C meeting please approach any member. This is your right and it is important that your voice is heard. Your comments will be taken seriously and will be discussed.
Don`t forget to sign yourself on the Electoral Roll so your voice can really count.