
Unlike many across the country, the Branksome Parish and its Church are young. Less than 150 years ago the area was a collection of small cottages, heathland and the occasional clay pit. No roads, no businesses and certainly no places to worship.

But during those few short years, the parish has seen constant growth. And as it grew so did the need for a church. St Aldhelms, dedicated to the first Bishop of Sherborne was built to accommodate this growing Parish. On these pages we try to tell some of this story.

The Church has a number of memorials and is the home of the Parish War memorials for both the great War and World War 2. We are also home for two name plaques the remember the names of those killed who worked at the local Gas works during an air raid in 1941. There are also a number of memorials to individuals throughout the church building.

The church Windows have a fascinating story to tell as well as being absolutely beautiful in their own right. Check out their story.

The church has always been blessed to host a range of wonderful music and at the heart of our services is the wonderful Church Organ. Read its story.


2017 Revd. Philip Martin

2015 Revd. Wayne Lautenbach

2010 Canon Stephen Batty

2002 Revd. Stephen Batty

1993 Revd. Stephen Lake

1980 Revd. Robert Raikes

1970 Canon John Warne

1960 Revd. J.C. Townsend

1955 Revd. H.A. Norris

1952 Revd. J.C. Meyer

1945 Revd. R.A. Wells

1934 Revd. R.L. Higham

1931 Revd. F.P. Crosse

Creation of the Parish of Branksome on 30th December 1930

Following are Vicars of All Saints Branksome

1922. Revd. Ernest Bury

1915. Revd. Canon D. Macleane

1909. Revd. H.C. Percival

1882. Revd. C.G. Doyne


July 2022 – Current – Rev Robyn Golden-Hann

2007 – March 2011 – Revd. Sarah Bryant

July 2000 to Sept. 2004- Revd. Simon Metzner

? to 1999 – Revd. Henry Pryse

1963 to 1966 – Revd. John Bloomfield

1956 to 1961 – Revd .S J (John) T Buffrey

? to ? – Revd. Isaac Ogunro (on one year’s secondment from Nigeria)

? to ? – Revd. Kenneth Wolfe

? to 1955 Revd. Robert C H Corbin

? to ? Revd. Bryant