Human beings are made with hearts and minds that yearn towards a bigger picture that we can only yet glimpse through faith. Hence our calling to pray each day and to worship regularly. Whether in a small and quiet context or amid a large and musical celebration, we join with the angels and archangels and the whole company of heaven in praise, thanksgiving, repentance and prayer. All are welcome and the only ‘essential qualification’ we need is the admission that each of us is frail and fallible and needs help…
The following summarises the usual weekly and monthly pattern (as of autumn 2021). Other services for festivals and special occasions are of course arranged, and listed on our What`s On page.
Sunday Services
8.00am – MASS – using the Book of Common Prayer order of service.
10.00am – PARISH MASS – all ages welcome.
1pm – MASS IN SPANISH (second and fourth Sundays of the month)
5.15pm – BENEDICTION (first Sunday of month only) – an awesome half an hour of quiet contemplation and prayer)
Weekday Services
Wednesday (first of month only) 10.30am – Mass, with coffee available afterwards
Thursday 7pm – Mass – all ages welcome
Open Church
The Church is OPEN FOR PRAYER throughout each day, between about 7.30am and 5.30pm (or until dark during winter months.)